
Home | Fillings


The purpose of dental fillings are to replace parts of the tooth which have been damaged or lost through tooth decay and general wear and tear. At Kincorth Dental Practice, following an examination, if you are recommended a filling a member of our dental team will talk you through the different material options which can be used, as well as how to look after the filling following the procedure and the treatment costs. In our practice we ensure we use the highest quality dental materials to offer our patients the most painless, long term, and aesthetic restorations.

Arrange An Appointment

To arrange an appointment with us, or if you have questions and want to find out more, please feel free to contact the practice.

Amalgam to Composite

Amalgam fillings in the lower jaw can often be seen when we talk or laugh. But amalgam fillings can also sometimes be seen in the upper jaw. These can be unsightly and can also discolour the tooth. Composite (White) fillings are available to improve this.